From the beggining of our man kind. There were some conflicting between two genders male and female. Yes, they're still existing today.
For example, you see your girl friend carrying an angry face. Maybe you did something wrong to her, but trust me, for the first time you ask her what happened, the answer will be nothing (Mostly in every case).And later she willl list your sins. Well, women tend to take the story around until she gets to the main point. However, we men tend to go to the main point directly. Personality may be the problem in here. For a woman who gets to much influnce of romantic, their way of behavior will be the same in every romantic movie or love novels. Meanwhile, men are so serious that sometimes they can get the gesture of their beloved.
Also, when we talk to a woman, don't you notice that they talk too much. (OOPS. sorry if some girls are reading this one). But just some, not all women talk that much. Maybe their emotions affect the things they speak. I have no idea how to explain this thing but look, Girls do speak more than boys. My cousin has 2-3 hour phone call with his girl every week and he said that he fell asleep sometimes. Ouch! Men talk less because we don't know what to say or we don't have a chance to say when we talk to women. Because there aren't many topics that both men and women share the same interest. Come on, what kind of girl will eager to play "CALL OF DUTY 4" or "Grand Theft Auto"? Or what type of guy who is interested in HELLO KITTY? And it's hard to find a woman who can share the same interest with you. Ouch, that's why I'm still lonely
Moreover, men seem to act reckless whenever they get into some hard situation. Women will think clearly before they do something. Well, there are problems. You do it now or you can't do it next time. You stay here and think and when you find the solution then it's been over for hours. But, women are more careful than men. For example, shopping. We boy will come and buy something without thinking about the consequence, while a girl will think about it. Is it usefull? Worthy?Cheap?... then they will decide to buy or not. The result is when a guy talks to a girl, he doesn't care about her feeling and sometimes it does make her sad. Tell me? Have you girls out there been angry when talking with your boys eh?
Problems all the time, just because there are some misunderstandings between men and women, different presonalities and different ways of behavior. It takes year for a guy to learn what his girl wants from him and what is "being a woman" mean. I've learnt something and understand a bit but women are too complicated, even they are more complex than the DNA and misterier than the real name of GOD. But, in the end, a man can know his woman if she tells him what she wants from him.
Oooh Jack
I think you have being unfair with the women gender. Anyway, i respect your view..
see you
because we are different genders..
so i think it is hard to understand each other...Anyway,we need to communicat with each other..right...
hey jack.i like your opinions about wemen .but if there was a "malinist" group i think you were the leader of that group.i think in somehow u r so mean to women.any way i liek your profile you have to teach me how to make my profile as intersted ad you.
ps:i liek video games.specialy "general" adn warcraft.
horrible picture!!
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