I have just come up with the research on this Monday morning. It's hard to talk about the politic, or the environment because there were many people have mentioned about that. So, I turned to "Nuclear".
It's the key to the future. Since our fossil fuels nearly run out, the power from the power plant is one of the best solutions. With the reaction of Uranium, the power it releases can supply for the whole city. Power of the wind, solar and water doesn't last long. The wind may stop flowing, the sun may be covered by the night and the cloud, and water changes on seasons. Nuclear power can last with no limit of time and its duration is unquestioned.
Or, it's the key to the end of this world, is it? The destruction of the nuclear is something that terrified every one. Atomic was from nuclear and seeing 2 bombs destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki is enough. It not only destroys but also leaves side effect to the next generation. The nuclear causes side effect, changes the body, makes a person become something that you can hardly recognize as the person.
For that power, every countries run for it. The U.S was the first, then the Soviet Union, and now is Pakistan, Iran and North Korea. They want something to promise their safeties and with nuclear, no one can joke with them. If this were in hand of an organization and they used it for bad purpose, then what would happen? There will be another Hiroshima or even more terrible.
Well, for this topic, I want to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of Nuclear and what should be done to protect the world from its powerful destrucion.Also, I will show what would happen if there were a nuclear drop in somewhere in this world.
1 comment:
It's such a debatable topic, I guess...
I wander, what you gonna come up with. good luck!
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