Ouch! To tell you the truth, go through 18 pages with a subject about economic is a painful job. I don't like it, however, if someone in our class is going to study about marketing, then this's good for them. Well, as a fast reader, this thing took me so long to read. 400 pages can be finished within 3 days. However, this TEXT was just less than 20 pages and it took me 4 days. Not mention about everything kept repeating and repeating. Yes, we understand that to do business in a different environment, the only thing we need to do first is to adapt with it. And only the first page talked about international market brings peace. TO me, it doesn't because market place is just like a war field with stock market and big companies take all the advantages and try to eliminate other small companies. Whatever, it's finished and I'm glad for it.
And now, here come my thinking about this course. The topics in this level are interesting. I like the skyscraper, engineering the impossible and Canadian English and the others as well. The course did give me some experience about everything in life and I think it's great. Well, nothing is important than knowledge. To go further and learn more about everything is necessary, right?
And it's the end. But not for me because I hope I will be accepted to the Uni and I will have a long way to go. I'm really happy to be a part of this class with all of you guys. Good luck to you with your exams and may the best things will come to all of you for the rest of our lives!
(pic: Arthas vs Illidan in Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, ending scence :p)